Wow, what a day at Pastures of Plenty Organic Farm in Longmont, CO, what a place! I'm in love with it, speaking of in love, have you met Marie and Brian? And their families? These people are amazing. They also have great taste in music, Colorado Wedding Band, featuring Lee Johnson and The Rhythm Method, with Jamie on vocals, watch out - that girl can sing. So this organic farm is where you want to go for your weekly supply of local. organic. goodness. Straight from the dirt to your table folks. You can sign up for their CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) on their website, or just find them at the Farmer's Market. Big Band Catering is the secret to all the amazing food that is either grown on the farm or nearby. John and Lyle got a good thing going, thanks everyone for a great day, and congratulations to Marie and Brian and their families!

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